Hello! SWOT analysis is the best tool for business. The internal analysis serves to identify and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of the business, against the opportunities and threats that the market holds. It systematizes the information on the company and designs competitive strategies too.
Territorial expansion of Russia
The territorial expansion of Russia began from 1500 with military conquest and by ideological and political unions in over five centuries until 1900. Expansion of Russia began from Khanate of Kazan in 1552 by Ivan the Terrible. In the late 18th century, Russia conquest Siberia. Territories from the Ottoman Empire and Poland took during the reign of Catherine the Great. Some of the other areas that add under the empire were Alaska, Eastern-Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan etc.
Depending on the context, it can either be "Imperialism" or "Colonialism", the main difference pertaining to the exploit of the lesser nation's resources.
Answer: straw polls
A straw poll an unofficial vote that shows how the public thinks about a specific subject or their vote intentions in an election.
Literary Digest took a presidential election straw poll for years, and for years it accurately predicted the winner. It was only in 1936 that the poll predicted, mistakenly, the Republican candidate as the winner, and Literary Digest lost its credibility.
They make the title of the story seem more interesting but hey, it works