D. organizing the books
Compulsion: The term compulsion refers to the repetitive behavior carried out by an individual to avoid or ignore distressing situations. An individual usually perform compulsion to get rid of the obsession leading situations.
Example: washing hands & checking a locked door repeatedly, and rearranging or arranging items in a particular order.
Treatment: Psychotherapy including exposure and response prevention, cognitive behavioral therapy, etc.
Skilled manpower is essential to carry out several development activities. To carry out several development works may be difficult in the absence of skilled manpower. They also play vital way for the systematic utilization of the natural resources and help to conserve them as well. A skilled manpower can produce a more manpower because one skilled man or person is equal to hundreds of unskilled persons. skilled manpower knows more things or ways to do his work in a proper way. So, if there is any problem then a skilled man is better than unskilled man.
Ted born in 1990
There have been many studies conducted by researchers on the onset of puberty. These studies show that puberty has been dropped gradually in decades. Hermann Giddens published their research in which they indicated that the onset of puberty has changed over time and specially in girls as compared to the boys.
The age of the onset has been plunge out over time. The researcher gets data on the onset of puberty that average age in 1860 was 16.6 years old, In 1920 it decreases and stays at 14.6, in the 1950 s it is around 13.1, 1980; 12.5 and in 2010 it was around 10.5. Why our children are going to get early adulthood is still a question.
The civil war allowed the world to see how unnecessary slavery was and pushed for the 13th amendment to abolish slavery and give blacks equality because it was tearing the country apart.