These nine basic training principles apply to sports training. With regards to location, the training principles that could influence it is the specificity, variation and overload. Specificity refers to the type of exercises you do based on the type of sport you play. Variation is when you do not only focus on one part of your body. Lastly, overload is adding additional stress to your body to achieve progression. These all influence location whether it has amenities that could cater to the type of exercises that you do. Does the location allow you to have a hold of resources for overload? Does the location have different sections that allow your body for variation? Does the place cater to your specific sport?
Ill say writing a list of goals
I believe it's 18, I did the math and got 108 calories from the grams and divided 2000, I really hope this helps :D
1)Amount of sleep: You should get at least 8 hours of sleep because it better and healthy for you
Bedtimes: Helps you have a constant sleep schedule so you can get enough sleep at night time
Exercise: Is good for the body it helps keep you in shape and helps lower your blood pressure
Meals: Keeps your body full of energy and nutrients it also has melatonin and serotonin that helps you sleep at night
2) obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease