Sonar uses sound waves in order to detect and locate objects in the water. The speed and detectable range of sound waves are impacted by the medium they are travelling through. Ocean water, the medium that sonar travels through, includes characteristics such as temperature, density, and salinity. These elements affect the nature of the medium, and thus affect the sound waves used for sonar detection.
They waxy cuticle<span> keeps water inside the </span>leaf<span> cells. Tis water is then used for photosynthesis. ... Suggest a way in which the stoma and guard cells arrangement might </span>work<span> to control the amount of water that is leaving the </span>leaf<span>. The guard cells regulate the opening and closing of the </span>stomata<span>.</span>
As 2020 continues, it has become increasingly easy to believe that the institutions of American democracy are breaking down. The president of the United States, despite having lost the presidential election, refuses to concede. Congress, which currently boasts a 21% job approval rating, has consistently demonstrated an inability to pass legislation supported by a majority of Americans. A third of the Supreme Court, an institution with tremendous power over American civil rights, consists of appointees by a president who lost the popular vote.
I don’t know any elephants who have eating disorders