Answer: The central subsidy, the single farm payment, is paid by the hectare; the more land you have, the more money you receive.
Explanation: The U.S. government created farm subsidies during the Great Depression to offset the surplus of crops and low prices of both crops and livestock
According to Robert Merton society deems certain goals that a person should achieve are more important than others. These goals are known as cultural goals.
There are two ways by which these goals can be achieved: socially accepted and socially unaccepted means. If any of these ways are blocked then this leads to strain.
Hence, the frustration is called strain.
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Common agricultural chemicals (agrichemicals) include fuels, solvents, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, fertilisers and veterinary chemicals.
Dangerous chemicals that are commonly used on farms include herbicides, pesticides, and anhydrous ammonia.
Psychological factors affecting medical conditions
It is a disorder that is diagnosed when a general medical condition is adversely affected by psychological or behavioral factors; the factors may precipitate the medical condition, inhibit treatment, or add to morbidity and mortality