The DASH Diet, the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension, was created by the US National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to reduce blood pressure even when sodium levels are not severely reduced. restricted.
However, after a series of studies on its effectiveness, today it is considered a guideline diet and is used to improve various other health problems such as risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even neurodegenerative disease. In general, the diet reduces the amounts of sodium, saturated fat, refined sugar and processed in the diet.
If initially the DASH diet was intended only for those with high blood pressure, today anyone who wants to live a healthier life and reduce risks of chronic disease can (and should!) adopt it.
A.messages that are sent from the brain to body parts
Monounsaturated fats like avocados help. Yogurt and bananas are other great options
Family history is the top risk factor for a person to get an Alzheimer's disease. This is because of heredity that a person cannot escape from. So it is important that a person must know the family history whether he or she can be a dominant carrier of this disease or not.
Walking is a type of cardiovascular exercise because it builds stamina in your body and also increases the efficiency of your heart and lungs.