Metabolic processes that require oxygen are called aerobic. Metabolic processes that do not require oxygen are called anaerobic.
Um I just looked it up
<em>There are innermost serious membranes that cover the heart is Parietal Pericardium.</em>
Heart is <em>covered by pericardium</em> in two sides, inner and outer sides. The inner membrane is parietal pericardium and the outer one is visceral pericardium. Pericardium is made up of <em>fiber tissues</em> that strongly protect the heart from all around.
The<em> main function of pericardium</em> is to protect the heart from any injuries and prevent the infections. The serious pericardium helps in<em> lubricating the heart. </em>
Newer layers of earth form <u>on</u><u> </u><u>top</u> of older layers, so as we dig, we can see further back in time. Comparing the fossils between the layers can offer evidence of change.
<u>Phyletic</u><u> </u><u>gradualism</u> - slow, but constant gradual change; supported by transitional species in the fossil record
<u>Punctuated</u><u> </u><u>equilibrium</u>- long periods of no change followed by short periods of rapid change. Can also be supported by the fossil record when no transitional species are found.
It takes place in the matrix of the mitochondria, which is the powerhouse of the cell.