According to Thorndike's law of effect, behaviors leading to a(n) <u>satisfying</u> state of affairs are stamped in, while behaviors leading to a(n) <u>unsatisfying</u> state of affairs are stamped out.
Earth is the largest of the inner planets and was created like all the remaining planets in the Solar System, approximately 4.6 billion years ago. The early Earth was formed by the collision and fusion of smaller rock fragments, the so-called planetesimals
Scientists estimate that the Earth began to form about 4.6 billion years ago. Protoplanets had to experience various collisions, so that the Earth as a planet originated from the collision of several protoplanets. Each collision released a large amount of energy, and the larger protoplanets contracted under their own gravitational influence. A last collision caused the creation of a celestial body the approximate size of the present Earth, that has received the name of proto-Earth. The early Earth was a hot volcanic body. The metal reached the melting point and the denser material sank and formed the core, while the lighter materials rose and became the mantle and crust. This is how the layers of the Earth were formed. Little by little the planet lowered its temperature, many of the impact craters were covered with water, photosynthetic organisms appeared and an atmosphere was formed, all of which would give the conditions that make the planet the place of life.
D. Splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen.