It means you should stay in your own lane
It is vitally important in a democracy that individual judges and the judiciary as a whole are impartial and independent of all external pressures and of each other so that those who appear before them and the wider public can have confidence that their cases will be decided fairly and in accordance with the law.
The Vice President is my guess LMK if I’m right
C.)They use the media to share their ideas and to sell their political messages and ideas to voters.
Media has the noticeable impact on politicians because it works as their easy pathway towards the society. So, if a politician desires to get in the real invocations of the people, they regularly contribute funds to air advertisements in the media so that the people are informed of their name and programs. Politicians use the media to share their opinions, administrative messages, and ideas about governance to voters. Also, various community schemes can be propagated by the media to the public, so that citizens can comprehend the efforts of the politicians who are working for consistent developments for their country.