D. The interest rate will increase since there are fewer available funds for the bank to loan
Banks often have as priority have liquidity in order to be able to loan money to its users, that it´s why banks give interests rates to those that have their money safely guarded with them, since they can use that money to loan it to other clients and generate interests with that loans, when banks buy treasury fonds they loose that liquidity and have less funds available, which makes them increase the interest rates.
Hay una idea sobre la religión que puede incomodar tanto a ateos como a creyentes. Su universalidad hace pensar que está inscrita en el cerebro humano gracias a la selección natural, porque cumple alguna función que ayudó a los creyentes a sobrevivir. Los humanos habríamos evolucionado para crecer con el germen de la fe en algún tipo de dios o dioses, del mismo modo que, según planteó Noam Chomsky hace décadas, los niños vienen al mundo con estructuras neuronales que les permiten aprender el idioma de sus padres. Después, el entorno es el que determina el lenguaje o la religión particular que se aprende.
Option A
Trilemma is a very difficult situation, were you have to chose from 3different options that are actually, and most times seems equal. In these situation, it is quite better to have 2 choices and having to choose one, compared to having three choices that all seems equal, so option A best describe trilemma.
Rosa Parks.
I know this because I’m smart like that.
availability heuristic
Availability heuristics strategy of decision making allows a human to use a mental shortcut using past experiences and examples that come to mind when trying to evaluate a particular concept, topic, decision, or method. For the case of Sue, she uses her past experiences to make a decision in this case. It is possible that when similar situation of two kids going to the movies at the same time, something bad happened. She uses this experience to judge her present situation.