The voice that you hear in a story is the voice of the narrator, and told either in first person or third-person. Details tell you how the narrator feels about the characters and events. From the first page of "How Mighty Kate Stopped the Train," I see that the story is told from the third-person point of view.
Popular sovereignty, or sovereignty of the peoples' rule, is the principle that the authority of a state and its government are created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives (Rule by the People), who is the source of all political power.
1. The degredation of local economies and colonial deindustrialization
2. An unheaval of traditional life and religion
3. The fostering of nationalism in colonial societies
1. The destruction of the Bengal fabric industry by the East India Company
2. The presence of EIC missionaries in the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Men like Padre Jennings directly influenced the Sepoy Mutiny by creating tensions in the local Hindu and Muslim populations of Delhi and Meerut.
3. The rise of the Indian National Congress, the Brahmo-Samaj in India, and the Vietminh in Vietnam.
The prohibition banned alcohol in America. Many people didn't want it banned while many people did want it banned. This divided the nation by having two opposing sides of a big "problem"