The TATA box helps bind the <em>RNA polymerase</em> in the correct place.
The TATA box can be found before a gene. It is type of promoter sequence which allows for the process of transcription to begin.
The transcription factor proteins recognize the TATA sequence and bind to it. The RNA polymerase is positioned by the transcription factor proteins. The transcription factors form a binding site for the RNA polymerase which binds to the specific site and starts with the transcription process.
Characteristics of Clostridium Tetani
Clostridium tetani is an obligately anaerobic bacillus that is gram positive in fresh cultures but may have variable staining in older cultures or tissue samples.25 The complete genome of the organism has been sequenced, and its products were recently compared with other clostridia.26 During growth, the bacilli possess abundant flagella and are sluggishly motile. Two toxins, tetanospasmin (commonly called tetanus toxin) and tetanolysin, are produced during this phase. Tetanospasmin is encoded on a plasmid that is present in all toxigenic strains.
While the exine is composed of sporopollenin, a complex and highly resistant biopolymer containing fatty acids, phenylpropanoids, phenolics and carotenoids, the intine is largely composed of pectin and cellulose.