Three components of active managerial control include identifying risks, creating specifications, and training.
Answer:During one bitterly cold winter, Prometheus watched the mortals huddle together like a pack of animals to keep warm. "They need to have fire returned to earth," he thought. So he decided to ignore Zeus' decree, no matter the risk. Prometheus lit a torch with the fire from the wheels of the chariot that carried the sun across the sky. He brought the flaming torch to earth and delivered fire to the mortals. As a result, life on earth was transformed. Not only did fire keep people warm, it also enabled them to cook food for the first time, as well as smoke the food and preserve it for later use. With the heat of the fire, they could even smelt metals and turn them into tools to use for farming.
The answer is capitalist economy.
She means that if something happens instead of going to the bright side you just focus on all the bad things so it is only as bad as you them
if that makes sense to you