b. The self we present to others.
According to Irving Goffman, people behave differently in their private and their public lives. The "front stage self" refers to the personality and actions that a person engages in when he knows that others are looking. The specific behaviour people follow arises in various ways, including internalized ideas of the self and cultural norms. Such a behaviour can be either habitual or subconscious.
How many syllables in alteration? 4 syllables
Divide alteration into syllables: al-ter-a-tion
Primary syllable stress: al-ter-a-tion
Secondary syllable stress: al-ter-a-tion
How to pronounce alteration: awl-ter-ey-shun
Her comment is best on the hindsight bias. This type of bias
is known as the knew-it-all-along by which the after the event has occurred,
the person was able to determine and see the events or the individual were able
to predict the event that had occurred before it could even happen.