pages that reference adoption and cats but not Persians
Search terms are the words or phrases that a user enters into a search engine. Also known as the search query. They are also referred to as keywords or words, terms, and phrases that visitors use to find your site or when one wants to search something on the search engines. You just need to type into search box order to pull up list of results. there are different types of search like search queries where a user enters into a web search engine to satisfy his or her information needs, they are often plain text or hypertext with optional search directives. and the Navigational search queries is a search query entered with the intent of finding a particular website, web-page or a certain phrase.
A computer keyboard is an input device that allows a person to enter letters, numbers, and other symbols (these are called characters in a keyboard) into a computer. It is one of the most used input devices for computers. Using a keyboard to enter lots of data is called typing
For 32 bits Instruction Format:
OPCODE DR SR1 SR2 Unused bits
a) Minimum number of bits required to represent the OPCODE = 3 bits
There are 8 opcodes. Patterns required for these opcodes must be unique. For this purpose, take log base 2 of 8 and then ceil the result.
Ceil (log2 (8)) = 3
b) Minimum number of bits For Destination Register(DR) = 4 bits
There are 10 registers. For unique register values take log base 2 of 10 and then ceil the value. 4 bits are required for each register. Hence, DR, SR1 and SR2 all require 12 bits in all.
Ceil (log2 (10)) = 4
c) Maximum number of UNUSED bits in Instruction encoding = 17 bits
Total number of bits used = bits used for registers + bits used for OPCODE
= 12 + 3 = 15
Total number of bits for instruction format = 32
Maximum No. of Unused bits = 32 – 15 = 17 bits
OPCODE DR SR1 SR2 Unused bits
3 bits 4 bits 4 bits 4 bits 17 bits
Well it depends if your thinking! I know many reasons why people should get married but I also know many reasons why people shouldn’t get married!
For an example if you are a man and you don’t want to get married, well I think it’s 50% wrong and another 50% right cause if you want to enjoy life and not be stuck with the same wife you wouldn’t get married, but now think of having a family when you get married you receive a blessing, cause you will have son , daughters and a wife who will support you all the time!
Me ......................