Thrr ey h couldn’t take care of the dude or smth I dk honedtly
you should call the police
depending on what type of messages like things that are very worrying and contain things like your adress and hassment then i would say take it to the police but if they are just being perves and being annoying blocksss themmmm
Answer and Explanation:
Risky behavior defines that behavior which is riskier to the life of people
As if you want to choose a career in a Nurse or a Doctor you want to judge the risk.
As a doctor, if the doctor gives the high dosage to the patient to recover from illness but even less dosage also works still the doctor gives which affect the kidney, liver of the patient, etc
Well, it is a great career as a doctor you can help many poor people by giving them free medical treatment in return you get the blessings which surely worked.
But there are many hospitals who are taking extraordinary charges even they do transplants, surgeries where there is no need just to earn the money but this is not acceptable and in one day everyone knows about it what they are doing
Therefore do not play with the life of the people as it is precious for them.
Cuju, the soccer-like game in China, was introduced during the time of Qin Dynasty from 255 BC to 206 BC. Its popularity grew during the reign of the Han Dynasty's Emperor from 206 BC to 220 AD.
Initially, Cuju was played to train soldiers during the Qin Dynasty. It became a part of the Emperor's birthday celebration during the Han Dyanasty.
Cuju was played by both men and women. Its ball was made out of leather stuffed with soft fillings like fur. No hands must be used in playing the game. The ball must be kicked inside a net or a small hole. Team work is not needed since the focus of the game is to observe an individual's skills.
Due to the cognitive effects it has. There are peer reviewed studies that show a correlation between cannabis use and a decrease motor and cognitive function over time. It also stunts brain growth in people under the age of 25 since the brain is still growing until then. Also, cannabis is still federally illegal so universities usually abide by federal laws. Cannabis smoking also causes a distinct smell that sticks to things and second hand smoking is still a risk.