This is an example of Atkinson Shiffrin model. Aleah can’t remember the name of her first-grade teacher’s dog and cat because it was a short-term memory.
The Atkinson Shiffrin model is known as the multistore model of memory. This is intended by Atkinson and Shiffrin in the year 1968. They had a theory that memory can be categorized into 3 stores, which is a sensory register, long-term memory, and short-term memory.
Information is being processed in the brain like a computer. The process includes input, process, and end up with an output. Here is the sequence as to how information is processed inside the brain:
1. Information got inside the brain and noticed by the sense organs. This information then enters the sensory memory.
2. If a person pays attention to this information, the information then moves in the short-term memory.
3. Information will be transferred to long-term memory if the information is repeated. If the information is only heard once and was not repeated, then the information will stay at the short-term memory and soon will be forgotten. When a person forgets a short-term memory, it can be called a process of decay or displacement.
What happened to Aleah was she forgot the name of her first-grade teacher’s dog and cat because it was a short-term memory. It was a memory that was not rehearsed. Aleah remembers the name of her dog and cat because it was repeated daily. The name of her dog and cat was a long-term memory because it was rehearsed daily.
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Keyword: short-term memory, atkinson shriffin model, multistore model of memory
Subject: Social studies
Class: College
Subchapter: Psychology