The Pharisees and teachers of religious law complained about Jesus due to his disapproval of them.
The Pharisees separated themselves from the society under the beliefs that the common man was religiously unclean. Jesus disapproved of their beliefs and often scolded them for their actions and arrogance.
Jesus accused the Pharisees of being hypocrites and sinners. In the end, the Pharisees conspired against Jesus and demanded his death. They did not believe that the Messiah would sacrifice himself for the world.
The south became more reliant on slaves because their entire economy was built around slaves. They would work in the fields for long , dreadful hours, until the invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney made it much cheaper to make and faster to make also. With little to no industry the south has few other ways of making money.
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For the first paragraph use something along the lines of Dr. King has impacted the world by ending racism, and started equality for all. Second paragraph could say how he was treated as a kid and how his education wasn’t the best. Dunno on third. Forth could be how equality is important and being confident in what you believe is wrong. Fifth is pulling everything together maybe possibly Dr. King is one of the most memorable people to ever live and it was a honor to write this essay?