They are high resolution and are suitable for billboards.
Nothing will happen.
The rules written between /* and */ will be ignored because /* and */ are the standard way of writing comment in a style sheet code. So, whatever fall in between them will be ignored during rendering of the page.
Examples are Ctrl, Alt, Fn, Alt Gr, Shift, Caps Lock, Tab, Scroll Lock, Num lock, Esc, Windows Key, Backspace, Enter...
Webbed storyboard technique
There are several storyboard techniques; however, the best for a website is the webbed storyboard technique.
Coined from the word "web", this technique does not only help in linking pages within the website where a page can be access from other pages, it also links pages of the website to external pages.
An illustration is as follows:
From the homepage of a website, one can access the contact page, the about page, etc.
Each of the listed pages also have link back to the homepage and to every other pages.