"If my blood sugars are elevated, my baby's lungs will mature faster, which is good."
Psychologists or a Psychiatrist
Psychologists can provide counselling and education for people with eating disorders using a variety of approaches. A Psychiatrist can assess someone with an eating disorder to diagnose various disorders
, while also develop treatment plans that help to treat the disorder.
Osteoporosis is a type of bone condition where the bones are weak ang brittle enough to consider the weight of the person as heavy. One way to strengthen the bones by weight bearing exercises and muscle-strengthening exercises. This is more common to women
A logic model displays the connections between resources, activities and outcomes. As such it is the basis for developing a more detailed management plan. During the course of implementation, a logic model is used to explain, track and monitor operations, processes and functions.
Macronutrients. Nutrients are substances needed for growth, energy provision and other body functions.We need energy to enable growth and repair of tissues, to maintain body temperature and to fuel physical activity. Energy comes from foods rich in carbohydrate, protein and fat