I would say it's H because 4 and 3 add to be 7
We have 2 denominators that we need to get rid of. Whenever there are the denominators, all we have to do is multiply all whole equation with the denominators.
Our denominators are both 2 and x+1. Therefore, we multiply the whole equation by 2(x+1)
Then shorten the fractions.
Distribute in all.
We should get like this. Because the polynomial is 2-degree, I'd suggest you to move all terms to one place. Therefore, moving 2x+2 to another side and subtract.
We are almost there. All we have to do is, solving for x by factoring. (Although there are more than just factoring but factoring this polynomial is faster.)
Thus, the answer is x = 3, -2
Area = x² + 8x + 12</em></u></h2><h2><u><em>
Perimeter = 4x + 16</em></u></h2>
Step-by-step explanation:
The area of a rectangle is given by the formula:
The perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula
(x + 6) × (x+2) =
x² + 2x + 6x + 12
x² + 8x + 12
2 × (x + 6 + x + 2) =
2 × (2x + 8) =
4x + 16
The equation is 2(3.14)(11.5) because 11.5 is half of 23
they multiply and you get: 72.22
Hope this helps! :D
y = -1/13x + 1 3/13
Step-by-step explanation:
y = 13x + 2
y = -1/13x + b
Finding b:
1 = -1/13 * 3 + b
1 = -3/13 + b
1 3/13 = b
y = -1/13x + 1 3/13
Please let me know if I'm wrong :)