Cough, fever, or stomach aches are some of the side effects of fexofenadine. Fexofenadine belongs to the antihistamine class of drugs. It works by inhibiting histamine, a chemical in the body that produces allergy symptoms.
30 compressions and 2 breaths
Laboratory experiences may enhance student understanding of specific scientific facts and concepts and of the way in which these facts and concepts are organized in the scientific disciplines. ... Laboratory experiences may promote a student's ability to identify questions and concepts that guide scientific.
you need to listen to the teacher more often
The inhibition of the formation of the mitotic spindle leads to the arrest of cells in metaphase, stopping cancer cells from dividing. Moreover, the inhibition of the DNA synthesis may also lead to cell cycle arrest, thereby also stopping cancer cells from proliferating.
Vinblastine Sulfate is a natural alkaloid that binds to the microtubules of the spindle apparatus in the S phase of the cell cycle, thereby arresting tumor cells in metaphase. Moreover, vinblastine sulfate is another alkaloid drug that alters the formation of microtubules in the cell cycle (mitosis). Mitomycin C is a chemotherapeutic agent that produces interstrand DNA cross-links, thereby inhibiting DNA synthesis in tumor cells. Finally, cis-platinum is another chemotherapy agent that produces cross-links between DNA and proteins and thus arrests the cell cycle of tumor cells in the G1 phase.