Format: argumentative essay
Topic: Purpose of government
Purpose: To Persuade
To pay reparations after World War I, Germany printed more money.
After the end of World War I in November 1918, France and Great Britain imposed on the defeated Germany the payment of war reparations for the destruction caused during the conflict.
The German government issued paper money to pay the reparations of war, calling Papiermark to these new issues. Due to the emergencies arising from the conflict, the Papiermark lacked of gold backing and was not convertible into this precious metal, which was an unusual situation for the time, where the gold standard scheme required all the paper money issues of a country were backed by gold, precisely to guarantee its value. As a result of this situation, Germany entered into a period of hyperinflation.
By 1619, more than a century and a half after the Portuguese first traded slaves on the African coast, European ships had brought a million Africans to colonies and plantations in the Americas and force them to labor as slaves.
The main purpose of public opinion polls is to gain data/information on how citizens feel about a particular topic, event, or political candidate. For example, one of the most popular political polls we see usually asks citizens to assess the president's recent actions. This type of question allows for a general understanding of what people like/dislike about the president.
Public opinion polls, however, can be used for almost any topic. From their, people will analyze the information in order to understand what things can be improved on or what exactly the citizens want.