Answer and explanation:
Following points should be kept in mind while doing or observing CPR.
1)Rate should be 100-120 compressions per minute.
2)Compression depth should be atleast 2 inches.
3)Push hard and fast.
4)Interruptions of almost 10 seconds
5)Give effective breaths to make the chest rise.
The heart disease may be defined as the disease that disrupt the proper functioning of the heart. Different heart disease includes cardiac arrest, heart stroke, heart attack and artery blockage.
The heart disease might occur in case of family history if it is genetic in nature. The environmental factors have equal or more affect on the development of the heart disease of an individual. The obesity, excessive drinking and smoking increase the chances of heart disease.
Thus, the answer is false.
The ability to perform aspects of sport's
Inflammation of the cornea is called Keratitis. It is caused by infection, dry eyes, disorders of the eyelids, physical and chemical injury, and/or underlying medical diseases.