start with the Cardinal first. Richelieu was a talented statesman and
politician, and as Chief Minister of the king (Louis XIII at that time) he
consolidated royal power at the expense of the nobles, and made France a strong
centralized state. The King Louis XIV, basically, followed the Cardinal’s
footsteps and went further by housing most of them in the Versailles Palace. In
addition, the king used entertaining, impressing, and domesticating them with
extravagant luxury to keep a close eye and a heavy heel on the aristocracy.</span>
David Hamilton Jackson was a labor rights activist. There territory consists of St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas, which are the three largest islands, with over 50 smaller islets and cays. On the islands, Jackson was a key role in the fight for improved civil rights and workers' rights. He fought for press freedom and founded the first labor union on the islands.
<span>Great Britain was interested in the PNW( Pacific Northwest) because of commercial potential and make use of the Natural Resources.</span>