Answer : The securtiy of the password can be maitained by the shadow files such as:-
- max is for the days that represent that the same password can be used without the need for changing it
- min is for the days that represent waiting days before the changing of password after he/she gets a new password
- warn are the days that come with Waring sign that the password is going to expire soon.
For a certain period of time , the user can access the log in when the password has expired . If that period is timed out then there will be no log in option and the account gets disabled. window key + R
2.type cmd and press enter
3. write "ipconfig /all" without quotes and press enter
4. look for physical address word
that's your Mac address
your answer may be(utility software)
The procedure is known as<u> context switching</u>.
In the field of computers, context switching can be described as a procedure in which a process is stored so that it can be executed at a later point. Such a procedure allows multitasking operations easier. A simple CPU can be utilized for multiple processes.
After a task is done, it can be swapped out of the CPU and can be restored later. By using context switching, more space can be provided on a CPU as freeing from one process will make space for the other.
When switching a process, the status of the older running process is saved on the CPU as registers.
Context switch makes it feasible to share one CPU for multiple procedures hence reducing the concerns that arise from using additional processors.
To learn more about context switch, click here,
- public class FindDuplicate{
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Scanner input = new Scanner(;
- int n = 5;
- int arr[] = new int[n];
- for(int i=0; i < arr.length; i++){
- int inputNum = input.nextInt();
- if(inputNum >=1 && inputNum <=n) {
- arr[i] = inputNum;
- }
- }
- for(int j =0; j < arr.length; j++){
- for(int k = 0; k < arr.length; k++){
- if(j == k){
- continue;
- }else{
- if(arr[j] == arr[k]){
- System.out.println("True");
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- System.out.println("False");
- }
- }
Firstly, create a Scanner object to get user input (Line 4).
Next, create an array with n-size (Line 7) and then create a for-loop to get user repeatedly enter an integer and assign the input value to the array (Line 9 - 14).
Next, create a double layer for-loop to check the each element in the array against the other elements to see if there is any duplication detected and display "True" (Line 21 - 22). If duplication is found the program will display True and terminate the whole program using return (Line 23). The condition set in Line 18 is to ensure the comparison is not between the same element.
If all the elements in the array are unique the if block (Line 21 - 23) won't run and it will proceed to Line 28 to display message "False".