Preconceptions about <span>using a drug</span>
b. A monetary gain that occurs as the result of a transaction
B) anorexia, binge-eating-purging type
Anorexia nervosa can be defined as the way in which a person restricts themselves from taking or eating food which tend to lead to significantly reduction in their body weight which is less than 85% of their ideal body weight based on the person age and height due to their intense fear of gaining weight even when such person has a low body weight although this person may be underweight but may think that they are over weight .
Binge eating disorder (BED) occur when a person keep eating large amount of food because the person tend to lack how to control it making them to eat excessively whether they are hunger or not.
In some case this person can also place restrictions on the quantity of food they consume including the type of food they consumed and they sometimes display or show purging behaviour by inducing themselves to vomit.
Therefore Anorexia nervosa, binge-eating disorder is the severe disturbances in eating behavior and weight management.
Answer: <span>Neurotransmitter Hypothesis of Schizophrenia
or neurochemical hypothesis.
</span>The focus of this theory is that the n<span>eurotransmitter glutamate and their receptors are reduced in </span><span> Schizophrenia cases. Another </span>neurotransmitter involves is dopamine. A <span>Schizophrenic person will have </span>high levels of dopamine in certain parts of their brain, explaining their psychotic symptoms.
The concentration of the hormones decreases over time in the tuber (potatoes or tubers are underground swollen stems), allowing the sprouting of tubers. This is a necessity in nature, if potatoes are to eventually reproduce by tubers to produce new plants.”