a. Newton's law of cooling states that the speed with which a body is cooled is proportional to the difference between its temperature and that of the medium in which it is found. Then, the initial value problem is given by:
b. The differential equation obtained is a differential equation of separable variables:
c. After 33 minutes of serving the coffee has cooled to 180°:
To know the probability we first need to know the total number of choices for each character in the license plate. Since there are a total of 10 possible numbers (0-9) and 26 letters in the English Alphabet. Then this means that each character has a total of 36 possible choices. Out of these 36 only 10 are numbers, therefore the probability of the first character being a number is
or 0.2777
If we rounded the decimal to the nearest hundredth it would be 0.28