Tools battery mah and the display size
Program to display greater number:
#include <iostream> <em>// Needed to perform IO operations </em>
#include<conio.h> <em> // header file</em>
using namespace std;
int main() //start of the program
int a , b =0; //initialising the two integer variable
cout<< "Enter first number"<<endl;
cin >> a; //user's first number
cout<< "Enter second number"<<endl;
cin >> b; //user's second number
if (a>b) //comparing the two integers input by user
cout<< a << "is greater than" << b; //display the greater number
cout<< b << "is greater than" << a;
return 0; // exist
Polymorphism- Able to be in several places at once with various forms.
Pixel dimensions
measure of height and width of a image in pixels