- Let p_c be the population in the city ( in a given year ) and p_s is the population in the suburbs ( in a given year ) . The first sentence tell us that populations p_c' and p_s' for next year would be:
0.94*p_c + 0.04*p_s = p_c'
0.06*p_c + 0.96*p_s = p_s'
- Assuming 6% moved while remaining 94% remained settled at the time of migrations.
- The matrix representation is as follows:
- In the sequence for where x_k denotes population of kth year and x_k+1 denotes population of x_k+1 year. We have:
- Let x_o be the populations defined given as 10,000,000 and 800,000 respectively for city and suburbs. We will have a population x_1 as a vector for year 2016 as follows:
- To get the population in year 2017 we will multiply the migration matrix to the population vector x_1 in 2016 to obtain x_2.