Prejudice is a preconception or preconceived opinion not based on truth. It means conceiving on the basis of race, group or any particular characteristics. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said: "Avoid prejudice, as it begins with ignorance and ends up in regression.” So, Avoiding prejudice is part of Sunnah. "Hazrat Ali (AS) states that one of the main reasons for prejudice is “ignorance”. He explains that “As for Satan, he felt proud over Adam because of his origin and taunted him about his creation since he said, "I am of fire while you are of clay." " A part of Islam is not judging people on the basis of their race, group or characteristics. Even, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said in his last Khutbah that don't judge people on the basis of their race. So, being noble is really better than judging someone on the basis of their race or something. For Obeying Allah, we need to be noble irrespective of caste,color, creed or language.
It's a thing called "scorched earth". the russians would rather burn their fields and slaughter livestock to the ground than have the french successfully take over their houses and farms and eat and steal their food, etc. it's a way to let the french starve!
The Haitian Rebellion was, in short, a slave rebellion. Haiti's economy was built on slave labor and the slaves were treated terribly. So, they rebelled.