Correct answer is D
open is a function in c++ programming language used to interact with files.The function takes two parameters as input
- File name
- mode
File Name
File name is a string name of file to be opened.This is a compulsory parameter for open method.
Mode is an optional parameter in open function.Following are the accepted values of mode parameter
Prefix ios:: is added to start of each
- in (Open file in input mode for writing data to file)
- out (Open file in output / read-only mode to read data from file)
- binary (Open file in binary format)
- ate (Set the starting point of file to the end of file. Default starting point of file is start of file)
- "trunc" (If file is opened multiple times all previous data is replaced with new data)
- app (All operations of output are performed the end of file)
Use | operator to use multiple modes at a time.
the man behind the murder
Answer:start a blog. I read the book.
Perhaps instead of cubicles, desks are organized in an open workspace which promotes collaboration (and makes it easier).
In code if you want your character to turn left you put "left" in your code and if you want your character to go right type "right" and so on and so on so your answer is tina.left(90)