Facet in health is well being its that a physical health and mental health.
Health is well being that important is to contributes the thought weight management, exercise and maintain the blood pressure.
- Health is well being important process to quality of life and affects to the others, its a complex interaction to the quality of life.
- Well being process is to maintain the dimensions of the well being:- emotional, physical, social, spiritual, environmental.
- Emotional is to the ability to the love and achieve the sense of life, these process to ability to feel and express to the human emotions,it is a dynamic frequently with being emotional.
- Physical is the regular checkup process to the disease checkup and provide the proper nutrients and quality of enjoyment.
- Social is to the includes to the respect of other and yourself to the build the community contributing interact to the global community demands and human personal role.
- Spiritual is that perform the high level of faith and hope to the community commitment to the provide meaning and purpose sense.
- Environmental is the effect to the physical environment to the human and maintaining the harm environment.
Answer: Systolic pressure.
Every time the heart beats, it pumps blood into the arteries, which are vessels through which blood circulates from your heart to your tissues with the oxygen and nutrients they need. Blood pressure is the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the arteries, and is highest when the heart beats, pumping blood, which is measured as systolic pressure (i.e., when the heart contracts). On the other hand, diastolic blood pressure refers to the pressure of blood in the artery when the heart relaxes between beats (i.e., when the heart relaxes). Since there are two types of pressures, blood pressure readings are given in two numbers, with the top number being the systolic pressure and the bottom number being the diastolic pressure.
For example, if the systolic pressure measured in a person is 125 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and the diastolic pressure is 85 mm Hg, the blood pressure is recorded as 125/85.
So, <u>the systolic blood pressure is registered with the stethoscope when the cuff is deflated.</u> When two heartbeats are heard, the pressure gauge reading is recorded. <u>When the heartbeat ceases, the cuff pressure is released and the diastolic pressure is measured at this time.</u>
Reducing sugar is any sugar (all monosaccharides, some disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides) that is capable of acting as a reducing agent because it contains free aldehyde group or free ketone group.
Aldehyde group or alkanal is an organic compound containing formyl group. The formyl group is a functional group consisting of a carbonyl center bonded to hydrogen and an R group. This group can be readily reduced to primary alcohol with the help of catalyctic hydrogenation either applied directly or by transfer hydrogenation.
Ketone group unlike aldehyde group does not have a hydrogen atome bonded to the carbonyl group but it can still be hydrogenated.
The correct answer is B.
Genetic drift is one of the four evolutionary mechanisms. It changes the frequency by chance, aka at random.
For example. if you have 100 frogs in the population, 20 red, 20 green and 60 yellow, not all of the alleles are going to be passed down to the next generation because a portion of the population can be affected by a random event such as the flood. So, if the flood accidentally kills 20 red frogs, none of the offspring are going to be red by chance.