When you pay with a credit card you use the bank's money that you have to pay back but with a debit card, you are using money straight out of your account. In the end, you are basically using your money just not in the form of paper.
When you pay with a credit card you use the bank's money that you have to pay back but with a debit card, you are using money straight out of your account. In the end, you are basically using your money just not in the form of paper.
d.when the services are rendered without regard to when cash is received
Accrual based accounting requires that the services should be performed or rendered associated with the revenue when you recognize it. It does not matter when the cash for the revenue is received. You may received the cash in advance or after some time from you rendering services. As your render the services you can record your revenue.
When you ask me about exchage rate I remember about Arabic coming to Africa for trading goods. So this tells me that the the value of one currence from deferent nations was converted to another. I hope you got it.
It is the Days sales outstanding ratio or the DSO ration. It can be computed to estimate the firms' average account receivable. It illustrates on how the firm's receivable will be managed. It is usually determine on an annual, monthly and quarterly basis.
Answer: Home replication strategy
The competitive strategy should the company use based on these factors is the home replication strategy. In this strategy, there is a minimal need for flexibility or modifications.
Since the company finds weak pressure to respond to local demands and cost reductions are not necessary, then the home replication strategy is applicable.