Products liability laws
These laws govern the responsibility/liability of any or all the parties that participate in the chain of manufacturing a certain product for the damage caused by that product. The parties involved and, therefore, liable are the manufacturer or producer, the wholesaler and the retailer. If a product has certain defects that have caused damage to the consumer, the abovementioned parties may be subject to products liability suits.
Products liability is usually considered a strict liability offense. If the plaintiff evidences that a certain product is defective, the defendant is liable. It is not taken into account whether the manufacturer or provider of the product had intention to cause damage or not, they shall be liable for the damage caused to the plaintiff.
Full Committee
Communications & Technology
Consumer Protection & Commerce
Environment & Climate Change
Oversight & Investigations
So the last 3
In Article II, Section 7.
The veto power refers to the presidential power to disapprove the passing of a bill, order or joint resolution made and voted on by Congress; the US Constitution describes such authority in Article II, Section 7.
Part of the section explains that every bill, order or resolution that the House of Representatives and the Senate make has to be presented to the President before it becomes law. Once the bill is in his or her office, the President can do one of the three following actions: to sign the bill, thereby making it a law, to veto the bill, in such case, the bill has to return to Congress which has the power to override the Presidential veto only if the bill is voted on by two-thirds of each house, or to leave it unsigned and do nothing about the bill, in such case within ten days (Sundays excepted), the bill will immediately become a law.
The FRCP 26(a)(2)(B) (Rule 26)
The FRCP 26(a)(2)(B) is a requirement for the expert witness. If the expert fails to include this, then there is a high chance that the testimony can be thrown out.
I hope this helps! :)
B: Above the Law
Rule of law. the idea that government and its officers are always subject to--never above--the law is described. constitutionalism. is the principle that expresses the concept that government must be conducted according to constitutional principles.
Hope this helps!!