The last Emperor died on the walls and the Patriarch, the head of the Byzantine Church, was taken captive. The city was renamed Istanbul and would become once again one of the world's most important cities, this time as the capital of the Ottoman Empire, with many of its churches being converted to mosques.
In Africa, failure to address housing issues has led to the continued growth of slums and poorly serviced informal settlements on the urban periphery, where between 75% and 99% of urban residents in many African cities live in squalid slums of ramshackle housing.
Like many other countries in the world, South Africa is in the throes of an unprecedented housing crisis. It faces a growing challenge in providing all citizens with access to suitable or adequate housing despite the Constitution stating that ‘everyone has the right to have access to adequate housing’ and that the ‘state must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realisation of this right.
According to Statistics, South Africa’s Household Survey 2017, 12.1% (1789 million households) of South Africa’s 14.75 million households lived in informal housing in 2011 with Gauteng having 20.4% households living in informal settlements, North West, 18.5% and the Western Cape, 15.1%. Limpopo has the smallest percentage with 4.5% and the Eastern Cape has 6.5%.
Laws that classify people unreasonably are said to be discriminatory.
The discriminatory laws can be defined as the laws which differentiate people according to their age, caste, religion, gender, disability, national origin, race, sexual orientation, genetic makeup, and other personal characteristics. This discrimination can be occurred or notice at the different place and different time.
For example: women always face discrimination on the work place in the form of low salary, long working hours and sometimes some employers not hire them because on their basis of gender.
6.) <em>C) It was the first time the Supreme Court struck down a state law as unconstitutional.</em>
<em>The state of Maryland tried to tax the national bank, then the Supreme court ruled that the national bank and the federal government was immune to state taxes.</em>
8.) <em>A)The garment industry</em>
<em>This industry was the quickest way for a Jewish person to be able to own a business.</em>