Answer: ok but what is it is it zoom or something
Family members tend to increase and live together and there might be something in their shared environment that causes high familial aggregation.
Family aggregation refers to certain habits or traits that are common in between the family, possibly because of common traits, shared space and habits, etc:
These might occur because of two facts:
- Sharing the space, that is living together.
- It probably be genetic.
When family lives together they create same habits like, eating meals together, watching TV together, etc: these daily habits change the behaviour and concern in an individual towards the family, accordingly there might be mental effects which shall be common in all of them.
<em>Achievement Motivation.</em>
Motivation for achievement can be characterized as <em>the need for performance or achievement of excellence.</em> Juan is very motivated in achieving his goals, he uses motivation to accomplish his swim times.
Juan will meet his needs by various means and will be driven to succeed, both internally and externally, for various reasons.
Motivation is the fundamental drive for all our actions.
Waning cresent and waxing cresent
la dimensión mental al estado que permite que los individuos desarrollen sus capacidades, y, la dimensión social, que es la manera en que interactúa un individuo con las personas que le rodean, las instituciones y demás elementos de la sociedad.