Based on the scenario above, this reflects the tendency of
adolescents to engage in personal fable. This is where an individual has a
belief that they are likely to be unique compared to others or that they are
special in which Jake exhibits because he thinks that he has the capability of
handling car speeds in which is just his belief.
In this situation, <span>bettys mom is creating Conditions of worth for her daughter
Conditions of worth is a list of requirements that someone give to other people in order to receive their love or acknowledgement
This conditions will program Betty to maintain hygienic behavior in exchange of her mothers acceptance accceptance</span>
He most likely took by eating it with some food.
Body Mass Index or BMI is a unit that widely used to determine the nutritional status of someone. You can find BMI by dividing the body mass with the square of height. This measurement is more accurate than the mass alone since it uses height. But this measurement is not good for an athlete since they have more muscle mass. Their BMI will be higher and make them seems overweight but the excess comes from the muscle mass, not the fat.
Pictograms are digital images (or icons) that communicate a message through the pictorial resemblance to a physical object or an action. Pictograms in the labeling system are very important because they help transmit a message with the image. If a label wants to transmit a message of warning, they would create a pictogram with a white background in a red diamond with the icon in the middle. One example could be the icon of a flame, transmitting that the object or substance is flammable, pyrophoric, or emits flammable gases.