She feels that way because she grew up watching her mother clean so she feels that it is the womans job to do all the cleaning.
Answer:Hay 11 biomas en América del Sur. Hay selva tropical marina, Alphine, Deset, Savannas, Pastizales, Chaparral, DesertscrubFreshwater y Deciduous Desert.
Natural resources without human resource is useless.Thats why natural resources is called passive resource whereas natural resource is called active resource.
human can make the best use of resource if they have knowledge,education and technology to do so.they can also be the creator of national wealth.In fact human resource are superior to other resource such as land and capital because they make use of land and capital.
EU citizenship is available for qualifying citizens of EU member states. This citizenship gives the members the right to freely move and work within the EU member states.