Proteins are built from simpler organic compounds called:Amino AcidsThe element nitrogen can be found only in:ProteinThe chemical structure that forms the base component of an amino acid is the:Amino GroupThe simplest amino acid is:GlycineThe number of different amino acids that make up human proteins is:20The number of amino acids that are considered indispensable or essential is:9Two amino acids are chemically joined by a:Peptide bondAmino acids that can be synthesized by the body in sufficient amounts are know as:DispensableAn important characteristic of amino acids is that they can:act as buffersAn example of a protein is:HemoglobinAn example of a tissue protein is:antibodiesA protein that contains all the essential amino acids in the proper proportion is called:CompleteAn animal protein that has negligible value as a dietary protein source when eaten alone is:GelatinProteins from plant sources such as grains, nuts, and legumes are classified as:IncompleteAn example of a complete protein is:MilkThe most significant measure of the protein quality of diet depends on the:Variety of foods consumedInfections are common in people who have inadequate protein intake because of an insufficient quantity of"AntibodiesThe nutrient that has a protein-sparing effect is:CarbohydrateThe amino acids methionine and tryptophan play a role in:Forming neurotransmittersAn example of someone who is vulnerable to health claims for amino acid supplements is:A 20-year-old male who wants to build muscleProteins are absorbed primarily in the form of:Amino AcidsPepsinogen secreted by the gastric cells is converted into pepsin by:Hydrochloric AcidThe gastric enzymes present in infants that coagulates milk is:RenninThe enzyme trypsin is activated by:EnterokinaseWhich of the following enzymes is found in pancreatic secretions:ChymotrypsinTrypsin and chymotrypsin are secreted by the:PancreasAminopeptidase and dipeptidase are secreted by the:Small intestinesAmino acids:Are water solubleAmino acids are absorbed by:Active TransportA nursing infant receives antibodies from its mother through:Absorption of antibodiesThe name of the state of dynamic equilibrium in which there is a constant ebb and flow of materials within the body is:HomeostasisA constant turnover of protein occurs between:Tissue and plasmaThe tissue that has the highest rate of protein turnover is the:Intestinal MucosaThe phase of metabolism that makes growth and repair possible is:AnabolismA negative nitrogen balance occurs in:An older adult with anorexiaAmmonia and urea are waste products from the metabolism of:amino acidsIt the excretion of nitrogen exceeds the nitrogen intake, the condition is called:Negative nitrogen balanceA period of the life cycle during which positive nitrogen balance is most likely to occur is:ChildhoodProtein catabolism is increased in health problems such as:Burn injuryThe recommended dietary intake of protein for adults is:0.8 g/kgOne of the potential consequences of eating an excess amount of dietary protein is to:Impair kidney functionThe type of food that provides the most frequent source of dietary protein for Americans is:MeatsThe greatest proportion of dispensable amino acids is provided by:EggsThe chemical score of a protein is:The ratio of indispensable amino acids in a food versus a high-quality protein reference foodWhen analyzing the amino acid composition of foods, the amino acid occurring in the smallest amount is classified as:LimitingA good reason that people choose to follow a vegetarian diet is:Health factorsA vegetarian diet in which dairy foods and eggs are included is know as:;LactoovovegetarianT or F: There are enzymes for protein digestion in the mouth:False, there are none.What elements start the breakdown of protein in the stomach:HCL Hydrochloric acid, Pepsinogen and RenninWhat does HCL do to the protein in the stomach:Denatures the protein. Unfolds the structure so enzymes can work on the proteinWhat purpose does rennin serve in the breakdown of protein:Digestion; Coagulates the milk protein for infants