service-learning opportunities
Because you serve and you learn
Digital Divide
Technology is not available to everyone, particularly in developing countries. This lack of equitable technology distribution across age, race, education level, and Internet connection speed is called the Digital Divide. The major cause of the digital divide are as follows:
1. access
2. cost of technology
3. access for the disabled
4. lack of skills, lack of education
School is better than virtual learning because you have better one on one connection. With virtual learning, you have to email your teacher and pray she emails you back in time. Though with brick and mortar school, you can walk right up to your teacher and ask for help as you are working. Also, normal school is better because you won't have to worry about internet connection and if your computer is 'compatible'. With virtual learning, you may have to wait a while as your computer loads, but in real school, you have immediate help to all your needs.