1. The Korean War is often referred to as the the Forgotten War.
2. Nearly 5 million people died.
3. causes of the Korean War, were generally: the spread of communism during the Cold War, American containment, and Japanese occupation of Korea during World War II.
Give women and trans people more rights
The effect of these two events was the disturbance in the country that leads to the revolution. A food-related riots spread across Germany in the year 1916 and women would march to the town hall and demand better food supplies so these riots shows the inability of the government. A revolution broke out in Austria-
Hungary in which republican revolts against European monarchies in almost all European countries.
The most important human behavior that marks the development towards civilization is the adoption of agriculture. Without agriculture, civilization in the strict sense of the word, cannot exist.
Once agriculture is established, another importat human behaviour for civilization ensues: the adoption of a sedentary lifestyle. Non-agricultural societies are either nomadic, or semi-nomadic, because they have to roam around a geographic area in search of scarce resources. Agricultural societies are sedentary instead, they can settle in a single place because agriculture produces enough food for them to not need move around.
A final behaviour is the full development of social institutions such as the division of labor, private property, and social hierarchy. While these institutions do exist in non-agricultural societies, they are developed to a much lesser degree.
To cause no war on japan.