1. INC were working towards a united India from borders of Afghanistan to Myanmar (incorporating present-day countries of Pakistan and Bangladesh. Muslim League were unyielding and wanted a land for Muslims, later to be called Pakistan. Mainly attributed to Moh'd Ali Jinnah, who thought that in a majority Hindu India and a closely rivaling Muslim population, peace was impossible. Proposed several different plans like cutting out chunks of India where there was any Muslim presence so India looked like a chocolate chip cookie... so instead, an agreement much to the dismay of Gandhi was reached to give East and West Pakistan.
2. The British had a major divide and rule policy and the sectarian and religious conflict between the Hindus and Muslims was an advantage to them. If all Indians united, there could have been slaughter against the British. However whereas the INC represented all of India, the Muslim League like title implies represented solely the Muslims. Taking advantage of this division, British promptly packed up and left with dignity in hand.
3. One of, if not the fastest partition of a country ever done. Border literally drawn by a special convoy sent from Britain who knew nothing about the issue. Done almost overnight like a kid just arbitrarily draws a line and calls it a border... it ran thru districts, neighborhoods and even houses. Leading to the greatest mass migration in human history (fact) not to mention the slaughtering that ensued.
Hope that was quick enough!!!
the people working wouldn't get payed because the customer has no money
I think
Because The (G.I Bill) allowed soldiers returning home to go to college and get good educations Not only that agriculture in Georgia in the 40s was completely dominated by women.
Throughout the overview section down, the definition including its example in the case provided is defined.
- The social scientist George Herbert Mead claimed that with enough encounters with several other individuals, people create self-images.
- He concluded that perhaps a component or consequence of communal experience seems to be the individuality, which would be the part of the foundation of an individual comprising of Knowledge of appearance and self-image.
The income effect is the impact that a change in the price of a product has on a consumer's real income and consequently on the quantity demanded of that good.