to Erickson, children have "an unrealistic self-concept", and thus believe that they
can achieve any goal.<span>
Erik Erikson who was born in 1950 proposed a psychoanalytic hypothesis of
psychosocial advancement including eight phases from early stages to adulthood.
Amid each stage, the individual encounters a psychosocial crisis which could
have a constructive or contrary result for personality development.</span>
A mosaic is a pattern or image made of small regular or irregular pieces of colored stone, glass or ceramic, held in place by plaster/mortar, and covering a surface.
Mosaics were usually just decorational, but could show history or events in them.
There are many disadvantages of exclusion in societies. One disadvantage is that social exclusion creates parallel sub-societies and sub-cultures within a society, that threaten the social order of a particular area.
Another disadvantage, related with the first, is that exclusion leads to little dialogue among different social groups. This can greatly increased social conflict, political extremism and radicalization, and in extreme cases, as history has shown many times, could lead to civil war.