They kept MAKING it WORK very hard for months.
keep + v_ing
make sb/sth + do sth
It is C Emphasis .............
He bought a washing machine
Remember that figurative language are figures of speech that readers used to convey a message in a story. Some of these languages contain similes, metaphors, personifications, hyperbole, etc... In this case, you would use "metaphors and similes to convey the message of a theme in a story, that's because metaphors are things that compare each other without using like or as, and similes compare two things using the words like or as." For example, "always fly like a bird" is a simile while giving you the main idea to go for your dreams because you can't actually fly like a bird and you use figurative language to find out the main idea or theme.
Hope this helps.
Social media helps teens express them selfs through photos and captions. Bios help express them by explaining themselves. Captains help by explaining our pictures and ourselves sometimes the photos express who you are on they’re own.
Hope it help;)