a gated sodium channels open and sodium ions flood into the cell
The answer to this is Carbon Dioxide.
D3O® was invented in 1999 by British engineer Richard Palmer. An avid snowboarder, he was looking for a way to protect himself from the many bumps and bruises he suffered from frequent wipeouts on his board. He found his answer in D3O,® which was named after the lab in which it was discovered.
A. Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis is a process in plants produce food materials by absorbing carbondioxide from the atmosphere which decreases the concentration of carbondioxide in the atmosphere. In photosynthesis reaction, plant take water from the soil and carbondioxide from the atmosphere in the presence of sunlight produces glucose and oxygen. Glucose is stored in different parts of plant such as grains, stem and roots while oxygen is released in the atmosphere.
<h2>Transportation across the membrane</h2>
(a) Simple diffusion; Faciliated diffusion-Directions in which two transported solutes move
- In simple diffusion diffusion of non polar compounds across the membrane and along the concentration gradient without the involvement of protein whereas in case of facilitated diffusion membrane transport proteins that facilitate movement pf molecules across the membrane down its concentration gradient
- Both the diffusions does not require energy
(b) Facilitated diffusion; active transport-Direction the solute moves relative to its concentration gradient
- In facilitated diffusion membrane transport proteins that facilitate movement of molecules across the membrane down its concentration gradient without the expenditure of energy
- Active transport drives transportation of solute against the concentration gradient across the membrane
(c) Simple diffusion; Active transport-Directions in which two transported solutes move and Direction the solute moves relative to its concentration gradient
- In simple diffusion diffusion of non polar compouds across the membrane and along the concentration gradient without the involvement of protein and energy
- Active transport drives transportation of solute against the concentration gradient across the membrane;secondary active transporters coupled with transportation of two solute molecules
(d) Direct active transport; Indirect active transport-Direction the solute moves relative to its concentration gradient or its electrochemical potential
- Direct active transport use direct energy such as ATP hydrolysis,oxidation and sunlight energy
- Indirect active transport use indirect energy such as chemical gradient,electrochemical gradient established by direct active transporters;one solute moves along the concentration gradient while other moves against the concentration gradient
(e) Symport; Antiport-Direction in which two transported solutes move
- In symport both the solute molecules move in same direction;coupled with primary active transport(direct transport)
- In antiport both the solutes moves in opposite direction;coupled with secondary active transport(indirect transport)
(f) Uniport; coupled transport-Directions in which two transported solutes move
- Uniport is the transport of single solute across the membrane
- Coupled transport is the transport of two solute molecules across the membrane;it may be symport or antiport
(g) P-type ATPase; V-type ATPase-Kinetics of solute transport
- P-type ATPase always transport cations and undergoes phosphorylation
- V-type ATPase(here V stands for vacuole) transport protons and no phosphorylation occurs;catalytic activity is not reversible
- Both are types of primary active transporters