Fluid filled sacs in the knee are specifically called Bursa or Bursae. Bursae is plural for Bursa.
A bursa is a closed fluid filled sac that function as a gliding surface to reduce friction between tissues of the body. Knee bursitis occurs when there is irritation or inflammation in one one of the knee bursa. The procedure of removing fluid-filled sac is called bursectomy. When the bursa become infected with bacteria, this condition is called septic bursitis.
Amphibia is the class of vertebrates which is considered to be the first to develop lungs. This allowed amphibians to live successfully on land as terrestrial organisms. Ichthyostega was the first primitive amphibians with nostrils and lungs. Amphibians adopted themselves to live on land with developed lungs.
The two groups differ in the composition of the cell wall and the lipids in the cell membrane. 3. ... Organelles contribute to efficiency in eukaryotic cells because they concentrate the biochemicals needed for chemical reactions so that the reactions proceed more rapidly.
Every particle attracts every
other particle in the universe
using a force that is directly
proportional to the product
of their masses and inversely
proportional to the square of
the distance between them. (theory)
Human beings walk on the
ground rather than floating
in the air. (law)
Human beings walk on the
ground rather than floating
in the air because of Earth's
gravitational force. (fact)
theory: Us humans always come with theories so that it will make it a lot easier for us to understand the whole picture. So that's why the first part is a theory because we have never seen every particle attract an other particle. but because of the modern technology we are able to make a trustworthy theory.
Fact: We know that humans walk on the ground because of the earth's gravitational force.
law: This law mathematically describes how two different bodies in the universe interact with each other.
I hope this is ok :)
Answer: Flexible springs
The atoms in an element or compound are bonded together by bonds which keeps the atoms together.
The bonds is stiff but it proves some flexibility for the movement of the atoms so that they can react and form different types of substances.
The bonds between the atoms act like flexible spring which keeps two or more atoms together and flexible for reacting.