spending matches revenue.
Here are general terms that are usually used by the government in order to show the condition of their budget at the end of each presidential terms:
If the Revenue is greater than spending - Surplus
If the Spending is Greater than Revenue - Deficit
If the Spending is equal to the Revenue - Balanced
In a Balanced condition, the government managed to efficiently use all the funds from the proposed budget to pay for all the programs that they created during the presidential terms.
Ideally, every presidential terms will always aim to either get a Surplus or Balanced Budget at the end of their terms. Deficit condition usually lead to an increase of National's Debt.
Burkina Faso officially the Republic of Burkina Faso is a ... Starting in the early 1890s a series of British, French and German military
Edwin Sutherland would consider 'group association' as the underlying cause of deviance.
- In the discipline of criminology, the concept of 'group association' is deemed to be utterly important. It is so because 'group association' has been observed to be a major cause behind most criminal activities that take place.
- The influence that is evident on members of certain groups due to the ideology they bear is often the reason behind individuals who come in contact with such groups becoming criminals.
It betters the economy of a nation.
Chinese and Islamic nations value trade because trade improves economy of a country. The goods produced in one country is sold to another country in exchange of currency which increases the foreign reserves of that country and will be able to buy their necessities from other countries. Those country who export many products to the world has great economy so that's why Chinese and Islamic nations give importance to trade.