New Formatting Rule.
Using New Formatting Rule the rule can be used in the database .Conditional formatting is used to highlight cells with different color according to the value of the cell. Conditional formatting can be done using formulas.In conditional formatting you can use if statements ,if else staements ,formulas etc.
A mail server. --------------------------------------------
C. OS hardening.
Making an operating system more secure. It often requires numerous actions such as configuring system and network components properly, deleting unused files and applying the latest patches.
The purpose of system hardening is to eliminate as many security risks as possible. This is typically done by removing all non-essential software programs and utilities from the computer.
The angle
Steady Hands
Focusing on the right lighting
In the lab, Wireshark continued to capture data in the background until the capture process was manually stopped later in the lab.
Wireshark is a packet analysis tools, it gets the information for traffic passing through a specific network node.