Newspaper wanted to attract as many readers and advertisers as possible
Answer: Believed that the free market assured personal freedom
Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) was founded in 1960. The purpose of the organisation is to advocate public policies consistent with the Sharon Statement, which was adopted by young conservatives at a meeting at the home of William F. Buckley in Sharon, Connecticut, on September 11, 1960. The Sharon statement states that "Individual freedom and the right of governing originate with God. Political freedom is impossible without economic freedom. Limited government and strict interpretation of the Constitution. The free market system is preferable over all others."
Based on the above information, we can safely conclude that the whole purpose of the Young Americans for freedom is to advocate for a free market economy which will in turn guarantee individual freedom.
She made an impact because in this point in history there was a lot of segregation on buses and to stand up to a white man is a huge deal. Even though she got sent to jail she made it possible for others to stand up to segregation and to stand up for free rights.
They vote and voice their opinions out for politicians and people higher up to hear.